Saturday, November 27, 2010

You are not a one-genre music fan....

... and this is not a one-genre music band. 

I don't think I know anyone who just listens to one genre of music. With the ease of digital, we can all take everything we love everywhere we go. Maybe you're 99% 70's rock with a little Jay-Z mixed in, maybe you're into death metal but have a weakness for Christina Aguelira. But more and more, I suspect we are all into amassing our own collection of whatever appeals to us, no matter what that looks or sounds like. Part-time goth, part-time club kid, part-time hippie, part-time gangstah.

I suspect artists will be changing as well. Sure, I don't expect much jazz from Slayer, but I do think there will be more artists like Madonna, Beyonce and Will-i-am who can hop from R&B to rock to dance to latin at the blink of an eye or the release of a new record. What is normal is a slow evolution over the span of an artist's career (like Green Day going from punk to lame or Radiohead going from indie to experimental indie). What is exciting is when an artist you love presents something in an unpredictable way.

As Cancer Killing Gemini progresses, I see the boundaries of genre becoming less and less important. While my love for electronic music will likely last forever, the need to lock every idea into that picture frame fades away. I especially see these constraints disappearing with the live band. As rehearsals continue, the palette continues to expand. I can see forays into garage rock, funk, punk/thrash, singer/songwriter, drum'n'bass and a multitude of others as things progress. All unified by the songs and the players, all directed at expanding your mainstream. Let's see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I, for one, can't wait to see how things progress.

    “When the music changes, so does the dance”

    African Proverb
