Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Christcontrol" - the beginning

So a while ago, after the Battershell tour ended, I bought a pc, got some drum loops from a producer friend of mine, and set out to see what would happen if I tried to make some industrial music of my own. I had been listening to Ministry, Big Black (one of producer Steve Albini's early projects), Sisters of Mercy, Nine Inch Nails, Filter.... American guitar-driven music with drum machines and resonant synths. 

"Christcontrol" was originally called "bubble" before the lyrics manifested - and the song was easily 5 or 6 minutes long. Back then, the computer audio software was 16 bit and my converters were pretty cheap, so all the guitars and vocals sounded murky yet brittle, but it was better than cassette 4-tracks so onward and upward. The song lacked focus but I knew there was a kernel of something good. Almost no one heard it... it wasn't time yet for it to surface. 

I met Heidi and kittymonkey began, so "Christcontrol" went on a shelf for a while. But it was always in the back of my mind, something that deserved to see the light of day when the time was right....

album on iTunes, Amazon

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