Monday, June 21, 2010

Army of 1

No, not the military... There's some definite benefits to writing and recording as a solo artist; no one ever skips band practice, no ego battles... It's very productive to be able to switch and add instruments like pieces in a puzzle. The ability to record as I write has been an amazing experience and it's something that's available to anyone with a computer and a few instruments. The...... ok, a little aside here.... I'm watching current tv as I write this and they're showing a wrestling match between a guy dressed as a can of chicken noodle soup and a guy dressed as a plantain and they're kicking the piss out of each other....

Anyway..... One of the concepts behind Cancer Killing Gemini is to let the music dictate the instrumentation. In a traditional rock band, there is a finite and specific lineup which can cause the arrangement to stagnate, whereas a more producer-driven approach leaves the doors open to anything. The two sides of CKG (hard rock and downtempo) live side by side and can sometimes collide, without consequences. As I continue to write the next record, I see the two sides (the Cancer and the Gemini) becoming more separate and defined, for better or for worse. It will be interesting to see how it fits together in the end.

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